A. thaliana Col-0 v12 reannotation effort
This site aims to collate information about the A. thaliana Col-0 v.12 reannotation effort. The broad project plan and timeline are shown below. Additional pages linked on the left cover online meeting minutes, in person meeting presentations, and other project updates.
LATEST UPDATES (2022-2024)
Questions? Please email curator@arabidopsis.org.
Project goal: To produce an improved structural annotation of the A. thaliana Col-0 genome based on a 2022 community consensus genome assembly
Project phases: Genome assembly, Automated annotation, Manual Review, NCBI/RefSeq Submission, Dissemination
Expected Timeline: Before we started: Roughly 14 months, starting Nov. 2022
As of Jan 2025: 26 months so far. The manual review and data integration/QC phase took a year longer than anticipated, due to various delays.