2024-01-15: PAG31 Summary

2024-01-15: PAG31 Summary

The Arabidopsis Informatics Workshop focused on progress and results from the v12 project. The speakers have shared their presentations below:

Tanya Z. Berardini (TAIR/Phoenix Bioinformatics): The Arabidopsis Community Effort to Reannotate the Arabidopsis thaliana Genome 

Korbinian Schneeberger (Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research): The TAIR12 Arabidopsis thaliana Reference Sequence Based on a Community-Consensus Assembly Strategy

Terence Murphy (NCBI): Genome Annotation of Arabidopsis thaliana T2T Col-CC By NCBI Refseq

Shujun Ou (The Ohio State University): Comprehensive Annotation of Transposable Elements in the T2T TAIR12 Arabidopsis Genome

(data in the slides is still too preliminary to archive online)

Caylyn E. Railey (Cornell University): Annotating Long Non-Coding RNAs in the Telomere-to-Telomere Arabidopsis thaliana v12 Genome

(no slides yet)

Ian Henderson (University of Cambridge): Analysis of Tandem Repeats in Centromere-Complete Arabidopsis thaliana Genomes

(no slides yet)

Craig Pikaard (HHMI/Indiana University): Sequences, Activity Maps, and Epigenetic Landscapes of the Active and Silent Nucleolus Organizer Regions in Arabidopsis thaliana