Apollo Training Materials
Apollo Training Materials
Specific Use Cases
Recorded Sessions
- Apollo basics (May 26 session): https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/AbAWtFP-LUcs1OL1LszoH_WNnJsjKzbKYNW-XN414srWwR9ZUuKIl_IAQqiP9NPI.TSd77fNvC0-FfnWx
- Apollo editing (June 29 session): https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/AXQB56B1l3xo8Z6wEYQLvu-60hR5OlvsR1yOwpKg1suhv4Yd_rPO7hHbzZeChARR.ol3bv8rmf7CHcf34
Apollo Basics Training Slides (May 23 and 26, 2023)
Apollo Editing Training Slides (May 31 and June 1, 2023)
Tab links
- Apollo
Apollo Help Docs (longer, keep link handy):
- NCBI Protein BLAST (use Reference proteins refseq_proteins as dataset)
- JBrowse
- Grapedia materials (how to - general principles apply)
- Maize materials (how to - general principles apply)
- Apollo: Democratizing genome annotation (software summary and background)
- Collaborative Annotation Redefines Gene Sets for Crucial Phytopathogens (see: 'Lessons Learnt for Future Collaborative Annotation Projects' section)
Application of a bioinformatics training delivery method for reaching dispersed and distant trainees (training background)
Double triage to identify poorly annotated genes in maize: The missing link in community curation (community annotation)
Related Videos from Other Training Sessions in Other Organisms
Very detailed, lots of examples.
Changing intron/exon boundaries.
, multiple selections available,