2022-10-27: Meeting agenda and summary
2022-10-27: Meeting agenda and summary
Name | Relevant Expertise (for this effort) | Institution | Country |
Nicholas Provart | community resource, sequence analysis and visualization tools | BAR/University of Toronto | Canada |
Yuling Jiao | genome sequencing and assembly | Peking University | China |
Bo Wang, Xiaofei Yang, Kai Ye | genome sequencing and assembly, centromere genetics | Xi'an Jiaotong University | China |
Korbinian Schneeberger, Raúl Wijfjes, Xiao Dong | genome sequencing and assembly | Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research | Germany |
Fernando Rabanal | genome sequencing and assembly, pancentromere characterization | Max Planck Institute for Biology | Germany |
Alexandros Bousios | transposable element annotation | University of Sussex | UK |
Klaas Van Wijk | peptide atlas | Cornell University | USA |
Craig Pikaard | rRNAs, NOR sequencing and assembly | Indiana University | USA |
Michael Schatz | genome sequencing, assembly, and annotation | Johns Hopkins University | USA |
Terence Murphy, Francoise Thibaud-Nissen, Anjana Raina | genome annotation pipelines | NCBI | USA |
Andrew Farmer | comparative genomics and visualization | NCGR | USA |
Shujun Ou | transposable element annotation | Ohio State University | USA |
Todd Michael | genome sequencing, assembling plant genomes | Salk Institute | USA |
Tanya Berardini, Leonore Reiser | community resource, genome annotation | TAIR/Phoenix Bioinformatics | USA |
- Get all participants on the same page, provide background and impetus for this project
- Introductions: name, institution, interest in this effort, relevant expertise (15 mins)
- Tanya - very brief history, overview of current motivation, TAIR's efforts since Araport11 release (10 mins)
- Françoise/NCBI team member - overview of NCBI Eukaryotic Genome Annotation pipeline using the initial run with Naish T2T genome as example (15 mins)
- Korbinian - overview of Col-CC (community consensus) assembly progress so far (15 mins)
- General discussion, aim to answer the following questions: (rest of time)
- Should we use the Col-CC assembly as the basis for the v12 annotation?
- If yes, is there anyone else, not currently included, who should be aware of or included in this process?
- When is a reasonable date of completion?
- Can NCBI perform the automated annotation with their eukaryotic pipeline with that consensus assembly?
- Who can commit to participating in the manual review and update of the automated pass?
- Tool/s to use? Deployed where?
- Create list of participants, who else could we reach out to and involve in this part
- Dataset specific expertise? lncRNAs, TEs, protein-coding genes, etc
- TAIR can help in coordinating work to minimize overlap
- Who would handle submission to Genbank and how can we best prepare for a smooth submission?
- Schedule follow up meetings for subgroups (assembly, manual review, other)
General enthusiasm for the need and utility of a reannotation.
Proposed timeline: 12 calendar months to set up the framework, process, teams to get V12 released.
Funding: No dedicated, separately-sourced funding for any particular group at this time. Interested groups will contribute expertise and/or infrastructure.
- Assembly
- need to work out details of tracking the metadata on BioSample provenance for the individual pieces
- K. Schneebeger's group's work on assembling a Col-Community Consensus (CC) assembly is likely to finish by the end of 2022, and will incorporate C. Pikaard's group's data on NOR2 and NOR4, 4 Col-0 MA lines from F. Rabanal/D. Weigel
- Col-CC should be submitted to NCBI as an independent assembly
- Idea to visualize the multiple individual assemblies that were combined to make Col-CC as a patchwork (GCV? other visualization tool?)
- Automated Annotation
- NCBI will take the Col-CC assembly when accepted by NCBI and available and will run it through their eukaryotic annotation pipeline
- need to resolve details on whether or not to include the Araport11 proteins as evidence
- add isoSeq from PRJNA755474 from this paper to next run
- please send more recent isoSeq/RNA-seq/CAGE experimental data in GenBank to include in the next run
- Manual Review
- TAIR to investigate hosting requirements/existing training tools, ease of output of information needed for NCBI submission even before manual review begins
- used by many MODs to maintain their genomes, concurrent editing possible, community maintained code
- TAIR as coordinator
- Klass van Wijk: anything to do with proteins (including small peptides - sORFs, etc) and protein isoforms (AS, etc)
- Kai Ye : We (XJTU team) would work on centromeres and microsatellite sites.
- Shujun Ou, Alex Bousios: TEs, ATHILAs
- Craig Pikaard: NOR2 and NOR4, rDNAs
- WebApollo as tool
- Community experts
- Submission to NCBI/GenBank
- begin working on release early, no need to wait till manual review is done, can be done with dummy data to work out format issues
- Dissemination
- broad support for authorship on V12 paper for ALL who were involved in effort, in any stage of the process
- V12 release to be incorporated into TAIR, BAR, etc as soon as possible after NCBI RefSeq is updated to this version
Action items
We'll check in by email in mid-December to get an update from Korbinian and from TAIR on the assembly progress and WebApollo.
, multiple selections available,