TAIR and PhyloGenes webinars come to VooV Meeting

TAIR and PhyloGenes webinars come to VooV Meeting

To accommodate users in China and others who have limited access to Zoom and missed the recent TAIR and PhyloGenes webinars we will repeat the presentations on VooV Meeting (腾讯会议)。

July 13 at 8-9 pm US Pacific time (Register here)

1) Introduction to The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR)

A basic tour of TAIR data and tools for new users who want to learn how to leverage TAIR to understand gene function in Arabidopsis and other plant species.  Participants learn how TAIR differs from other resources and how to access and retrieve data for individual genes and sets of genes.

Presenter: Leonore Reiser

2) Using JBrowse at TAIR for Arabidopsis and Comparative Genomics

This webinar will feature a detailed overview of the JBrowse genome browser at TAIR (jbrowse.arabidopsis.org).  We will cover topics including data visualization using JBrowse, how to share your experimental data through JBrowse and comparative visual analysis of data in JBrowse tracks.

Presenter: Sabarinath Subramaniam

July 14 at 8-9 pm US Pacific time (Register here)

1) Using Arabidopsis GO annotations and TAIR GO tools

You’ve heard of the GO (Gene Ontology) but don’t know how it is useful. We will cover the interpretation and use of both individual and sets of GO annotations, including ‘functional categorization’ and ‘term enrichment.’ Examples using genes and gene lists from both Arabidopsis and other plants will be included.

Presenter: Tanya Berardini

2) Introduction to PhyloGenes, a phylogenetic and functional genomic resource

Learn the basics and the unique features of PhyloGenes (phylogenes.org). Follow a case study using PhyloGenes to infer function for an unknown gene from what is known about other members in the gene family.

Presenter: Peifen Zhang