Data Sources
Data Sources
This page gives information on where the data in TAIR come from, and what datasets are not yet in TAIR.
Datasets in TAIR: | Sources |
Plant Structure Ontology | Planteome |
Cereon SNPs | Cereon Genomics |
Classical genetic map | Meinke Lab Website |
Clones | AtDB, GenBank, ABRC, user submissions |
Community (people & organizations) | ABRC, AtDB, NASC, user submissions |
Growth & Developmental Stages Ontologies | Planteome |
DNA sequences | GenBank, AtDB, TIGR, IMA |
Expression Data | AFGC, Websites, Literature, ATGenExpress, user submissions, NASCArrays |
Gene Families | User submissions, Websites |
Gene Ontology Controlled Vocabularies | Gene Ontology Consortium |
Gene Ontology Functional Annotations | TAIR, Literature, UniProt |
Gene Structure Annotations | TIGR, TAIR, user submissions |
Genes | TIGR, GenBank, AtDB, Kazusa, Meinke Lab Website, Literature, user submissions |
Images | ABRC, Literature, user submissions |
Libraries | ABRC, GenBank |
Markers (physical and genetic) | AtDB, NASC, user submissions |
Metabolic pathways | MetaCyc, literature |
Phenotypes | AtDB, ABRC, Literature |
Physical maps | User submissions, Websites, Literature, AtDB |
Polymorphisms | Stanford Genome Center, SALK, Arabidopsis Tilling Project, User submissions |
Proteins | TIGR, TAIR |
Protein subcellular localizations | Literature, Websites, user submissions |
Protocols | User submissions |
Publications | AtDB, PubMed, Agricola, Biosis |
RI map | NASC, user submissions |
Stocks | NASC, ABRC |
Vectors | ABRC, GenBank |
Datasets not in TAIR | Sources |
Genetic interactions | Literature |
Metabolic profiling | Literature |
Physical interactions | Literature, Websites |
Signal transduction pathways | Literature |
Tryptic digest patterns | Websites |
, multiple selections available,