Agenda for Training Meeting
- Overview of the reannotation project: where are we?
- What is the scope of the manual review phase?
- Apollo: making user accounts
- Apollo: tour
- Slack channel
- Demo: general functions
- Activity: try moving around, searching by coordinates, by AGI identifier
- Demo: common review workflow
- Activity: Breakout groups: each group with one gene to review
- Demo: more complicated stuff
- Activity: Breakout groups: each group with one gene to review
- Gene set assignment
- split
- merged
- deleted
- novel
- locus type changed
- cds changed
- BUSCO gene disappeared
- desired gene family
- Tracking work and review: Google Sheet and Excel spreadsheet (no Google Drive access)
- Reconvene in one month - update and assess status
- ICAR 2023? meetup?
off screen facilitator to handle questions and technical issues, create breakout rooms
check concurrent users
learning objectives
- Apollo: Democratizing genome annotation
- Collaborative Annotation Redefines Gene Sets for Crucial Phytopathogens (see: 'Lessons Learnt for Future Collaborative Annotation Projects' section)
Application of a bioinformatics training delivery method for reaching dispersed and distant trainees
Double triage to identify poorly annotated genes in maize: The missing link in community curation
- Grapedia materials
- Maize materials
Apollo Help Docs (longer, keep link handy):