- My apollo Apollo window has frozen. What do i do?
- Try reloading your browser window.
- For Chrome: Shift Command R
- For Firefox: Ctrl+R
- For Safari: shift+reload
- Some data tracks are very slow to load.
- The way JBrowse works within Apollo, the first time your load up a track it might take a while. But once loaded, any successive loads will be quicker. .
- What is the meaning of the lower case letters in the nucleotide sequence?
- These indicate regions of low complexity. They have not impact/implication with respect to annotation.
- Is it possible to know which organism is the source for a particular protein alignment (in the Protein Alignment track)?
- By right clicking on the alignment, and then selecting See Details. You'll see the GenBank accession in the id section and can search for that at NCBI.
- (need to expand this with a picture)
{"serverDuration": 173, "requestCorrelationId": "08d183b03c8a4ab2b0c4bd260d34d04d"}