Bulk downloading Gene Data
Bulk downloading Gene Data
With the release of TAIR3 in May 2024 most of the functions formerly found in the Bulk Downloads section of TAIR have been incorporated into the Gene Search or Protein Search. Below is an example of using the Gene search for bulk downloads.
From the Gene search enter in a list of AGI locus identifers or paste from a file
Bulk Download options are shown on the gene search result
First choose the SELECT ALL option and then choose the type of data to download.
Example of downloading sequences
1.Select All
2.Click on the Get Sequences
3. Choose the type of sequences you wish to obtain
4. The results will be returned as a FASTA formatted file
Example of downloading gene descriptions
1.From the results page select all results and choose Get Gene Descriptions
2.The results will then display a gene summary view
3.Select all results
4.Then select download
5. The results are delivered as a CSV formatted file
, multiple selections available,