About MorphoBank

About MorphoBank

Current Funding:



Our Member Institutions

  • Sustained Availability of Biological Infrastructure Award (DBI-2049965) from the National Science Foundation (NSF) (PI: Tanya Berardini, Phoenix Bioinformatics) for making a complete transition to independent sustainable funding and code maintenance
  • Geoinformatics (EAR-2148768) from the NSF (PI: Tanya Berardini,Phoenix Bioinformatics) to overhaul MorphoBank's source code to replace the 20+ year old codebase with more modern, easier to maintain and expand architecture and add new and improved features.
  • Membership fees from academic institutions and museums around the world

Past Funding: 

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Leadership and Support

Director: Tanya Berardini, Ph.D, Phoenix Bioinformatics

Curator: Brooke Long-Fox, Ph.D, Phoenix Bioinformatics

Matrix Curator: Ana Andruchow Colombo, Ph.D, KU Natural History Museum

Undergraduate Interns (current): Shreya Jariwala, University of California, Berkeley (since Summer 2023)

Undergraduate Interns (past): Katherine Walton and Bidane Martinez-Huerta, University of California, Berkeley (Summer 2022)

             Joyce Song, University of California, Berkeley (Summer 2023)

             Timothy John, Stony Brook University (Summer 2022)

             Aidan Furey, Stony Brook University (Summer 2023)

Emeritus Director: Maureen O'Leary, Ph.D, Stony Brook University

Executive Committee 2018-2021, Scientific Advisory Board 2021-present

Head: Maureen O'Leary, Stony Brook University

Faysal Bibi, Museum für Naturkunde BerlinRobert Hill, Hofstra University
Leonardo Borges, Federal University of São Carlos

Melanie Hopkins, American Museum of Natural History

Juan Carillo, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleAdriana Lopez Arbarello, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Mark Collard, Simon Fraser UniversityMarcos Mirande, Fundación Miguel Lillo · Unidad Ejecutora Lillo (UEL) - CONICET
Michael D'Emic, Adelphi UniversityXijun Ni, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tim Dickinson, Royal Ontario MuseumMary Silcox, University of Toronto

Greg Edgecombe, Natural History Museum London

Martin Smith, Durham University, United Kingdom
Fabiany Herrera, Chicago Botanical GardenJo Wolfe, Harvard University

Executive Committee: 2001-2018

Chair: Nancy Simmons, American Museum of Natural History

Project Director: Maureen O'Leary, Stony Brook UniversityDeputy Director for science: Mariangeles Arce H., Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
Gonzalo Giribet, Harvard UniversityPeter Crane, Kew Gardens
Dennis Stevenson, New York Botanical GardenEdward O. Wilson, Harvard University

Marvalee Wake, University of California at Berkeley

Jo Wolfe, American Museum of Natural History
Michael Novacek, American Museum of Natural HistorySharon Doyle (student representative), Stony Brook University

NSF sponsored workshop participants, 2001

Jonathan Adrain, University of IowaDarlene Judd, Oregon State UniversityLynne Parenti, Smithsonian Institution
William Bemis, University of MassachusettsSeth Kaufman, Whirl-i-GigNorman Platnick, American Museum of Natural History
Meredith Blackwell, Louisiana State UniversityMaureen Kearney, Field MuseumKathlene Pryer, Duke University
Mark Boguski, Johns Hopkins UniversityJohn Kress, Smithsonian InstitutionTim Rowe, University of Texas
Janine Caira, University of ConnecticutDenis Lynn, University of GuelphPetra Sierwald, Field Museum
Jim Carpenter, American Museum of Natural HistoryPaula Mabee, University of South DakotaMark Siddall, American Museum of Natural History
Jonathan Coddington, Smithsonian InstitutionLucinda McDade, Academy of Natural SciencesJohn Van Couvering, American Museum of Natural History
Alfonso Delgado, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de MexicoPaula Mikkelsen, American Museum of Natural History

Mike Whiting, Brigham Young University

William Fink, University of MichiganKevin Nixon, Cornell UniversityJim Woolley, Texas A & M University
Kristian Fauchald, Smithsonian InstitutionMaureen O'Leary, Stony Brook University


CIPRes      TreebaseNIH    Mesquite Project Morphbank Project 

Past Support

nescent NOAA AMNH   Stony Brook