About MorphoBank
Current Funding:
- Sustained Availability of Biological Infrastructure Award (DBI-2049965) from the National Science Foundation (NSF) (PI: Tanya Berardini, Phoenix Bioinformatics) for making a complete transition to independent sustainable funding and code maintenance
- Geoinformatics (EAR-2148768) from the NSF (PI: Tanya Berardini,Phoenix Bioinformatics) to overhaul MorphoBank's source code to replace the 20+ year old codebase with more modern, easier to maintain and expand architecture and add new and improved features.
- Membership fees from academic institutions and museums around the world
Past Funding:
- MorphoBank version 1 was funded by NSF grant DEB-9903964 to Maureen O'Leary at Stony Brook University and with financial assistance from the American Museum of Natural History.
- MorphoBank version 2 was funded in part by an award from NOAA (NA04OAR4700191) to the American Museum of Natural History.
- MorphoBank 2.5 and later versions developed in 2008-21 were funded by National Science Foundation awards to Maureen O'Leary at Stony Brook University from the Division of Earth Sciences (EAR-0622359) and a Sustaining Award (DBI-1457925) from the NSF's Advances in Biological Informatics program.
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Leadership and Support
Director: Tanya Berardini, Ph.D, Phoenix Bioinformatics
Curator: Brooke Long-Fox, Ph.D, Phoenix Bioinformatics
Matrix Curator: Ana Andruchow Colombo, Ph.D, KU Natural History Museum
Undergraduate Interns (current): Shreya Jariwala, University of California, Berkeley (since Summer 2023)
Undergraduate Interns (past): Katherine Walton and Bidane Martinez-Huerta, University of California, Berkeley (Summer 2022)
Joyce Song, University of California, Berkeley (Summer 2023)
Timothy John, Stony Brook University (Summer 2022)
Aidan Furey, Stony Brook University (Summer 2023)
Emeritus Director: Maureen O'Leary, Ph.D, Stony Brook University
Executive Committee 2018-2021, Scientific Advisory Board 2021-present
Head: Maureen O'Leary, Stony Brook University
Faysal Bibi, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin | Robert Hill, Hofstra University |
Leonardo Borges, Federal University of São Carlos | Melanie Hopkins, American Museum of Natural History |
Juan Carillo, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle | Adriana Lopez Arbarello, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich |
Mark Collard, Simon Fraser University | Marcos Mirande, Fundación Miguel Lillo · Unidad Ejecutora Lillo (UEL) - CONICET |
Michael D'Emic, Adelphi University | Xijun Ni, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Tim Dickinson, Royal Ontario Museum | Mary Silcox, University of Toronto |
Greg Edgecombe, Natural History Museum London | Martin Smith, Durham University, United Kingdom |
Fabiany Herrera, Chicago Botanical Garden | Jo Wolfe, Harvard University |
Executive Committee: 2001-2018
Chair: Nancy Simmons, American Museum of Natural History
Project Director: Maureen O'Leary, Stony Brook University | Deputy Director for science: Mariangeles Arce H., Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University |
Gonzalo Giribet, Harvard University | Peter Crane, Kew Gardens |
Dennis Stevenson, New York Botanical Garden | Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University |
Marvalee Wake, University of California at Berkeley | Jo Wolfe, American Museum of Natural History |
Michael Novacek, American Museum of Natural History | Sharon Doyle (student representative), Stony Brook University |
NSF sponsored workshop participants, 2001
Jonathan Adrain, University of Iowa | Darlene Judd, Oregon State University | Lynne Parenti, Smithsonian Institution |
William Bemis, University of Massachusetts | Seth Kaufman, Whirl-i-Gig | Norman Platnick, American Museum of Natural History |
Meredith Blackwell, Louisiana State University | Maureen Kearney, Field Museum | Kathlene Pryer, Duke University |
Mark Boguski, Johns Hopkins University | John Kress, Smithsonian Institution | Tim Rowe, University of Texas |
Janine Caira, University of Connecticut | Denis Lynn, University of Guelph | Petra Sierwald, Field Museum |
Jim Carpenter, American Museum of Natural History | Paula Mabee, University of South Dakota | Mark Siddall, American Museum of Natural History |
Jonathan Coddington, Smithsonian Institution | Lucinda McDade, Academy of Natural Sciences | John Van Couvering, American Museum of Natural History |
Alfonso Delgado, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | Paula Mikkelsen, American Museum of Natural History | Mike Whiting, Brigham Young University |
William Fink, University of Michigan | Kevin Nixon, Cornell University | Jim Woolley, Texas A & M University |
Kristian Fauchald, Smithsonian Institution | Maureen O'Leary, Stony Brook University |