

Use PhyloGenes to find the gene family that contains your gene and find what is known about that gene family

  1. Go to phylogenes.org
  2. Type your favorite gene (i.e. LOC107914949) into the Search box

    Find out what ID you can use for search

    Since there is only one gene family that matches the query you will come to the gene family detail page directly.

    There are two blocks on this page. On the left is a gene tree. On the right is a data table that contains information about each gene in the family.  Each row in the data table is aligned with its corresponding gene in the tree. More info...

  3. To locate and center your gene within the tree, type the gene (LOC107914949) into the Search box right above the tree
    • You can pan the tree to move it up and down
    • You can click on a node that you are not interested to collapse it

  4. To check out gene info in the data table, use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the data table to see all columns.

    The column ‘Known function’ displays all molecular functions that are supported by experimental evidence for at least one member in the family.

    Each subheader under ‘Known function’ is a distinct molecular function.

    Below a distinct function, if you see a yellow circle present in a gene row, it indicates the presence of the function in that gene.

  5. Find the yellow circle under subheader ‘ammonium transmembrane transporter activity’ for gene AMT1-1, Arabidopsis thaliana, then click on the yellow circle to see what experiment and citation support the presence of that function in the gene.

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