November 15,
We are pleased to announce the
PhyloGenes version
1 release. This release updates only the GO annotation data and the publications counts for the gene family members. The gene families and gene trees are
the same as for the PhyloGenes 4.0 release and are still from the PANTHER 17.0 release.
In PhyloGenes
only genes
from plant genomes and selected non-plant model organisms
were included
. Genes from other genomes in the PANTHER build have been removed (pruned).
Updated GO annotations:
Experimental gene function
annotations were extracted from the Gene Ontology Consortium (files created
by PANTHER on 2022-10-27, based on the 2022-07-
01 GO release).
Phylogenetic inferred gene function
annotations were extracted from the
Improved user interface and user experience: This release features enhanced technology behind our gene family pages. Page loading and scrolling are now faster and smoother for large gene trees that also have extensive number of GO annotations to the family members. For an even better site experience, we recommend that users use the on-the-fly tree pruning and gene table customization options. Customization not only speeds up the page loading time but also allows you to focus on the species of interest and the GO functional aspects most relevant to your study.
(generated on 2022-09-26, based on the 2022-07-01 GO release which uses PANTHER 15 tree information, downloaded by the PhyloGenes team on 2022-10-20).
Please take a few minutes to share with us your experience of using the PhyloGenes resource.