Scientific name: Klebsormidium nitens
Common name(s): none
Name as shown in Phylogenes: K. nitens
Ploidy: DiploidHaploid
Amborella trichopodaKlebsormidium nitens is a
small, vascular land plant that is endemic to the South Pacific Islands of New Caledonia.charophytic algae that usually consists of multicellular and non-branching filaments without differentiated or specialized cells. Charophytic algae and land plants together make up a monophyletic group, streptophytes, which represents one of the main lineages of multicellular eukaryotes
- Amborella Genome Project. The Amborella genome and the evolution of flowering plants. Science. 2013 Dec 20;342(6165):1241089.
Hori K, et al. Klebsormidium flaccidum genome reveals primary factors for plant terrestrial adaptation. Nature communications 5, 4978. doi:10.
1126science.1241089.ncomms4978. (Klebsormidium flaccidum NIES-2285 was re-identified as Klebsormidium nitens NIES-2285, 2016 Jun)
Genome Database(s):
Amborella Klebsormidum nitens genome at Phytozomeproject