Folios are groupings of selected project media. First create a new FoilioFolio, then you may select specific media to add to your folios by clicking the "Edit folio media" link in your list of folios or by using the "Folio options" tool on the Media page. This tool allows you to add multiple media to a folio directly from media search results. Once you have added items to your folio you can return to the folios tab to change the order of the media and preview the resulting folio.
Folios are published when the project is published, unless the folio's status dropdown is set to "never publish to project", and may be linked to using a URL in the format:
http://morphobank.org/permalink/?F20where 'F20' is your folio identifier (and yes, the “'?†' is always a part of the permalink). Folio identifiers always begin with the letter 'F' and appear next to the folio name in the project folios tab. Your project must be published for folios to be accessible to the public.
Using the project Folios tab, you can create as many named folios as you need.
You may upload a CT stack, comprised of hundreds or thousands of individual images, to MorphoBank as a single ZIP-format archive. Your ZIP file should include only images with no extraneous files or sub-directories. All images in the stack should be TIFF or DICOM format and must be numbered sequentially. Any file with a missing number will be skipped during upload, resulting in an error or inaccurate 3D image. Please remember that ZIP-format stack uploads should be used for CT data only and not as a batch upload method for individual specimen images.
You may also upload media derived from CT data to MorphobankMorphoBank, including 3D surfaces in PLY and STL format and pre-rendered 3D animations in QuickTime, MPEG-4, OBJ and WindowsMedia formats.
To upload a CT scan or derived media, go to the Media tab of your project. Click on the button titled "Add new 2D/3D media file"
When a PLY or STL 3D surface is uploaded, the icon below will be shown in place of a thumbnail wherever the file appears in your project. Please note color manipulations made to files may not be supported.
What information must I provide for a specimen?
You must specify whethere whether a specimen is vouchered or unvouchered. If it is vouchered, at an absolute minimum you must provide the institution code and catalog number for the specimen. Whenever possible a collection code should be provided.A taxonomic identification of the specimen should be provided for all specimens and is used by the matrix editor to retrieve relevant media, and by the media search/filtering system.
Each MorphoBank project is issued a unique identifier beginning with the letter 'P' for project. You will see this identifier displayed in many places throughout MorphoBank while editing your project. For example, your project number appears next to your project title in the My Projects project list and on the project overview page. Once your project is published you may link to your project with a URL in the formathttp://morphobank.org/permalink/?P44where 'P44' is replaced with your project identiferidentifier. Yes, the question mark should precede your number in your permalink, so it would look like this for another project: http://morphobank.org/permalink/?P660. For unpublished projects, the only way to access data is by logging into MorphoBank projects to which you belong.