MorphoBank accepts a variety of image formats including JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF and Photoshop. Note that Photoshop files that use layer effects may not render properly on MorphoBank. For consistent results we recommend converting these files to TIFF format before uploading. All image files should be in RGB mode. Files in CMYK mode may not render properly. You should upload image files at the highest resolution that makes sense for your project. MorphoBank will automatically create sized versions for use on the site as well as a full-resolution version optimized for online viewing. The original uploaded file will be retained and can be made available for download.
MorphoBank also accepts the following video file formats: MPEG-4, QuickTime and WindowsMedia. The preferred video file format for upload to MorphoBank is MPEG-4. Files in QuickTime and WindowsMedia format will usually work so long as the compression method used is supported by MorphoBank's video processor. In general, videos compressed with WindowsMedia will work, as will most QuickTime compression methods (some very old and rarely used methods like GIF compression are the notable exceptions). AVI files usually will not work and should be converted to MPEG-4 prior to upload. In general if your uploaded file is being rejected by MorphoBank it is recommended that you try re-encoding the file in MPEG-4 format using one of the many video conversion tools available for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. Audio files may be uploaded to MorphoBank in MP3, AAC, AIFF or WAV format. Other formats are not supported. If you need to convert or edit your audio files use a sound editing application such as Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/). MorphoBank does not support the PowerPoint file format. If you need to upload images from a PowerPoint presentation, you should export them from PowerPoint in a supported format such as JPEG and then upload those files.You can upload your files in PLY, STL, ZIP, TIFF and DCM, file formats, as well as any acceptable video format if you are adding CT data to your project.
You may upload a CT stack, comprised of hundreds or thousands of individual images, to MorphoBank as a single ZIP-format archive. Your ZIP file should include only images with no extraneous files or sub-directories. All images in the stack should be TIFF or DICOM format and must be numbered sequentially. Any file with a missing number will be skipped during upload, resulting in an error or inaccurate 3D image. Please remember that ZIP-format stack uploads should be used for CT data only and not as a batch upload method for individual specimen images.
You may also upload media derived from CT data to MorphoBankMorphobank, including 3D surfaces in PLY and STL format and pre-rendered 3D animations in QuickTime, MPEG-4, OBJ and WindowsMedia formats.
To upload a CT scan or derived media, go to the Media tab of your project. Click on the button titled "Add new 2D/3D media file"
When a PLY or STL 3D surface is uploaded, the icon below will be shown in place of a thumbnail wherever the file appears in your project. Please note color manipulations made to files may not be supported.