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MorphoBank, with support from the National Science Foundation, is designed to be a public and permanent archive of scientific data supporting peer-reviewed scientific publications. You may leave your unpublished working data behind password-protection on MorphoBank while you prepare and submit your research (updated August, 2016)..  All data on MorphoBank should eventually be released, MorphoBank is not designed to house unpublished data long term. 

Can I allow an anonymous reviewer to access my matrix during review at a journal?

Yes. Many journals like to provide reviewers access to matrix data so they that reviewers can check authorsan author's results as part of a review. Project Administrators can enable an anonymous reviewer login for their project in the Project Info form accessed through the "Edit project info" link on the Project Overview page. Once enabled, reviewers can login log in by entering the project number in the email address field and the reviewer login password entered by the Project Administrator in the Project Info form.


What information must I provide for a specimen?

At You must specify whethere a specimen is vouchered or unvouchered.  If it is vouchered, at an absolute minimum you must provide the institution code and catalog number for the specimen. Both of these values should conform to the standards of the institution from which the specimen originates. If you are not sure of the formats for these values, contact the institution's collections manager. Typically, the institution code will be a 2-4 letter abbreviation of the institutional name (ex. AMNH = American Museum of Natural History, YPM = Yale Peabody Museum). Whenever possible a collection code should be provided. As with the institutional code and catalog number, this should conform to institutional standards. Many, but not all, institutions use collection codes.

A taxonomic identification of the specimen should be provided for all specimens and is used by the matrix editor to retrieve relevant media, and by the media search/filtering system.
