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Object NameThe name of the object found in TAIR to be linkedAT4g32520 or ATDMC1.1
Object TypeType of object. Select from: Locus, Clone, Gene, Polymorphism, GeneticMarkerLocus or GeneticMarker
External Web Site - NameName of the website that the Base URL refers toView AraCyc information
External Link - Base URLBase rule for the URL. This is usually the portion of the external link URL before the question mark (?) 1555/ARA/NEW-IMAGE
External Link - VariableVariable for the URL. This is usually the portion including and following the question mark (?)?type=REACTION-IN-PATHWAY& object=GLYOHMETRANS-RXN
Display NameName of the link to be displayed. For example, if the link is for an associated marker, you can provide the marker name.formylTHF biosynthesis


Gene Class Symbol Registration


We also provide a preformatted Excel spreadsheet. Please click on the link to download the spreadsheet. Required fields are blue . Fields with an asterisk(*) can have more than one entry separated by a pipe with no intervening spaces (e.g. Ecker,Joseph|Bell,Callum).  If submitting a manuscript to The Plant Journal, please include this file in your TPJ submission as a supplemental file.

File Format

Contact Person/
Name of the person we can contact if we have questions about the annotationnoneEva Huala
Locus Identifier AGI locus id or name of genetic locusAt#g#####, see AGI coding convention if the gene is new, splitting or merging existing genesAAAP or At1g10010
Gene Namesymbol-based name of gene, if this existsSee nomenclature guidelinesETO1
Reference *PubMedID or citationPubMed ID can be obtained from TAIR Publication Search or Entrez-PubMedPubMedID:14576282;
Smith (2006) Science 123:23;
DOI:10.1111/j.1365-313x. 2010.04399.x; submitted to Plant Journal
Gene function, process, location or interacting partner functional annotation that you'd like to makeFor interacting partners, please use the AGI code (At1g01010.1) in addition to the gene nameser/thr kinase, outer mitochondrial membrane, anther, gynoecium morphogenesis, At1g01010.1(ABC1)
Method descriptionMethod and evidence used to support the functional annotationA list of method descriptions is given as the second sheet of the Excel workbookenzyme assay, mutant phenotype, transcript levels, yeast two-hybrid-assay

Gene Structure Additions/Modifications
