PhyloGenes is a web resource that displays pre-computed phylogenetic trees of gene families alongside experimental gene function data to facilitate inference of unknown gene function in plants.
PhyloGenes is managed by the nonprofit Phoenix Bioinformatics Corporation. It is co-developed by Phoenix Bioinformatics and the PANTHER project at University of Southern California, and is supported by funding provided by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. DBI-1661543).
Current release (version 2.
August 14December 4, 2020. We are pleased to announce the PhyloGenes version 2.1 2 release. The gene families and gene trees are from the PANTHER 15.0 release. In PhyloGenes only genes from plant genomes and selected non-plant model organisms were were included. Genes from other genomes in the PANTHER build have been removed (pruned). More stats
Experimental gene function data was extracted from the Gene Ontology Consortium (files created on 2020-04-28). Phylogenetic inferred gene function data was extracted from the PAINT project (files created on 2020-05-21).
What’s new:
- We added experimentally validated gene function annotations from GO Biological Process
- We added phylogenetic inferred gene functions (GO Biological Process and Molecular Function)
- Added feature to customize Gene information display to show/hide selected data and reorder columns. More details
What we are working on:
- Linking publications to genes in tree
- Download protein sequences of family membersYou can download the multiple sequence alignment of a gene family. This feature is accessed from the Operations menu icon above a gene tree.
- Click on a gene, a leaf node on a gene tree, you will be able to download a list of its plant orthologs. More...
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