PhyloGenes 2.1
August 14, 2020. We are pleased to announce the PhyloGenes version 2.1 release. The gene families and gene trees are from the PANTHER 15.0 release. In PhyloGenes only genes from plant genomes and selected non-plant model organisms were were included. Genes from other genomes in the PANTHER build have been removed (pruned). More stats
Experimental gene function data was extracted from the Gene Ontology Consortium (files created on 2020-04-28). Phylogenetic inferred gene function data was extracted from the PAINT project (files created on 2020-05-21).
We are pleased to announce the PhyloGenes version 1.1 release (released on August 1, 2019). A total of 8171 gene families are included in this release. The gene families and gene trees are pruned versions of PANTHER 14.1 release. They contain only genes from selected plant genomes and 10 non-plant model organisms. Genes from other genomes in the PANTHER build have been removed (pruned). Experimental gene function data are extracted from the files available from the Gene Ontology Annotations (GOA) project at the EBI (file generated on 2019-07-01). More stats
We are pleased to announce the initial launch of and the PhyloGenes version 1.0 release (released on April 2, 2019). A total of 8173 gene families are included in this release. The gene families and gene trees are pruned versions of PANTHER 14.0 release. They contain only genes from selected plant genomes and 10 non-plant model organisms. Genes from other genomes in the PANTHER build have been removed (pruned). Experimental gene function data are extracted from the files available from the Gene Ontology Annotations (GOA) project at the EBI (file generated on 2018-12-03). More stats