You will find a search box at the header of every page, the main body of Home page, and the navigation side bar on Search Result page. Type in one or more terms in the search box to find gene families. The search is case-insensitive. Partial string match or misspelling is currently NOT allowed.
Looking for a gene family that contains a specific gene
You can use a UniProt ID (i.e. Q9KN15), Gene symbol (i.e. FLC), or Gene ID (i.e. AT1G63910, GLYMA_02G081100) as your query term.
Only exact match to a UniProt ID, Gene symbol or Gene ID is returned.
- Gene symbol comes from ...
Gene ID comes from ...An UniProt ID is a distinct protein ID in the UniProt database ( - A gene symbol is a gene name that is extracted from the GeneName filed of a fasta header in the UniProt protein fasta file (
- A gene ID is a canonical accession extracted from the Reference Proteomes gene2acc gene mapping file ( Examples of gene IDs for plant genomes in the current PhyloGenes release (version 1.0) are:
Looking for a gene family that includes genes sharing a specific function
You can use one or more keywords that describe a function. For example, "omega-3 desaturase", or "myb".
Matches that contain all terms in your query are returned. Here we define a term as a string of characters that are NOT separated by any space or common dividers (i.e. a dash). For the example query "omega-3 desaturase", a match could be "omega-3 desaturase" or "omega 3 desaturase", "omega 3 desaturase-like", but NOT "omega desaturase".